Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One Month to Live

I signed up to take this class "One Month to Live" at church. It's based on the book by Kerry & Chris Shook. The first chapter asks you to quickly jot down 5 things you would do differently if you knew you only had one month to live. At first, I didn't know, then I came up with quite a few. I said I would:
  • be better about keeping in touch with family and friends
  • be more generous with my time/money/belongings
  • worry less about what people think of me and if I'm perfect
  • spend more time sharing God's love, and
  • travel more
Now, I've only read the beginning of the book, so I don't know if I'll get inspired enough to actually do those things just yet, but I thought I'd share how I probably should change. It's an interesting concept that we probably don't consider as much as we should.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Your list is very similar to mine, especially the part about being more generous. I know this is really shallow, but I would also probably eat a lot more unhealthy things. I mean, if I only had a month to live, I wouldn't care about my weight or health.
    Keep me updated on how the rest of the study goes.
